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I love hard. I laugh loud. I wanna live laudibly.

Monday, January 8, 2007

You Love Yourself (revised edition of U Love U)

"Learning to love yourself is the greatest love all." - From Greatest Love All Now that sounds really narcistic. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Apparently, the line is not synonymous to sacrifice, is it? If you learned to love others, you forget about yourself up to the extreme point of self-loathing. Love makes people blind to their own needs thinking more of satiating their loved one’s. But you see, in economics, wants and needs are insatiable. So why bother? But then again, loving someone brings you back to sacrifice. Just simply worrying over whether you hurt your loved one gives you anxiety. You eat less so she could eat more. You stay up late to check on her sick stomach each ticking hour. You would wish to share with her painful loads or take it wholly from her. You would say you would do that in an ‘always’ frequency. And how frequent is always? How long before the intensity of sacrifice subsides? Nobody could really tell. After all, if machines break down, people get tired even more. And then the ultimate line saying ‘Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all’ prevails. There’s no point denying that. You love yourself. Love can do wonders and so you can do too. Just get real.