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I love hard. I laugh loud. I wanna live laudibly.

Friday, April 8, 2011

He Forgot

Consider this: You are in a long distance relationship and the main channels of communication are the very handy mobile phone and email. Tell me, how can you make the relationship survive? Or, at least, how do you struggle to keep it going?

I knew it. I will come to this point.

Well, prior to even taking the plunge, I already declared first hand that a long distance relationship is impractical, expensive and usually does not work. I just do not know what happened and why I ended up in one! So saying that now is a matter of recycling. And I am close to concluding that maybe, just maybe, my theory about it not working will prove true after all.

If I am to address the questions above, I have numerous ideas! Ideas turned concrete, actually. The classic and my most favorite: sending cards or love letters on a monthly basis. That frequency does not include holidays, of course. This monthly activity is actually in celebration of our monthsary. A monthsary is a tradition similar to an anniversary except that the former is celebrated each month. Is that a nice idea? I would fairly say yes. Here’s why, if I may justify. A daily or weekly version would be really expensive and waiting for the anniversary would be, well apparently, a long wait. So monthly would balance the extremes. Not a bad bargain.

Given that (and several emails and SMS you send to your partner), is it, if I may have the courtesy to ask, fair enough that your partner compensate you with a similar gesture within his means? Perhaps an SMS or a phone call will do. An email greeting will also be appreciated. Is that overly demanding? Will that require so much effort? Is that difficult at all?

I will tell you what is difficult. It is painfully difficult when something that means so much to you is taken for granted. There is already so much pain with the distance and time that separates you from one another and when that one thing which makes you closer just through expressed thoughts is underrated, that is adding insult to injury. What could even be worse than when you are both aware of that ‘tradition’ as a couple and one just forgets? Forgetting it once or twice is tolerable; thrice I can consider; but the next same offense thereafter, I really do not know what to think anymore.

Maybe I am just a waste of time. Maybe playing this game is already over. Maybe I still live in my fantasy that he is far different from my ex. Maybe they are all one and same. Maybe I’ll end up losing again. Maybe this usually does not work. But maybe I will still hold on because I love him. And until he tells me to stop, then maybe I will.

Long distance relationship sucks.


By the way, happy 17th monthsary!